Saturday, January 30, 2010

Smoking Body Pain Bad Stomach Pain Left And Right Side Of Body?

Bad Stomach pain left and right side of body? - smoking body pain

I have a terrible pain in the left and right side of my body near the stomach. It hurts very bad.

I smoked part of a community with a gf but she has not yet received. I ate a chocolate ice cream, but not both. Help!


Speedy Gonzales said...

It could be just because you ate ice cream at once (provided you have the munchies so bad.)

It could also try to be gas (PET).

If it's too long and it still hurts, I want to see the doctor.

Maegan Ashley said...

Are you constipated? This can cause a twisting, turning stomach pain because his intestines are stretched.

Quit smoking, which kills brain cells.

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