Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Credit Card Style Business Cards Just Landed An Awesome Job! ...dresscode Is Business Casual?

Just landed an awesome job! ...dresscode is business casual? - credit card style business cards

Well, that was why I set to work TeleTech Holdings, [who is the customer service at Bank of America, such as helping to answer phones, people whose accounts] with a credit card, the training begins Monday. I was told that dress code is an informal activity from Tuesday through Saturday and Monday and Friday from causality.

My problem: What the hell is business casual?? I'm 21 and I do not see how an old woman. How do I dress professionally, but also bear on their own account?

Normally, I wear jeans, Converse, TANKTOP ... Nothing fancy, I take more rocker chick?

I am OT government is using to tell me what they wear, overalls hooyah lol "So, yes, genius, all the cards out of fashion there?


SlowClap said...

Doooooom! I HATE Business Casual! It is so vague.

From what I think is basically the pants (no jeans - informal) and folders, but elegant.

No braces, often no shirts / blouses without sleeves. No halter tops, bustiers, pipe and do not try, either.

Jerseys are usually OK. Shirts with buttons on the front of the rule, OK.

Sometimes you have to go with cloth covers Please have writing or pictures on them. Designs can be in order. I mean, like a repeating pattern.

Beware of skinny jeans, shorts and mini skirts. Unless the skirt to the knee or longer, probably will not work because you never when you climb a ladder or have some stupid exercise "in a team where you sit on the ground as immature and then try to know May not be the opportunity you have to suspend your cooch.

Basically, dressed for action, but expect to sit a lot.

No school.

Sorry, we are casual.

SomeShoes sneakers esque possibly could fly, but you must use your best study here.

Business casual is designed to keep people on the brink of something really cute or fashionable or comfortable. You do not say what would happen if have the opportunity. This is not really what I could delete them, not what is, you relax, it just as it would go to impress a job fair, trying to.

It aims, in other words.

Good luck with that.

Inundated in SF said... ... ... ...

Until we determine what people wear in general, looks like an old lady. The word "business," he told - continue to have a professional appearance and can normally change easily if necessary, what you wear to business casual professional business by simply make your shoes or buttons, and again as a scarf around your neck . The informal part is normally off-tie, top button is undone, maybe a little rolled up cuffs. Tank top, sneakers of any kind, jeans, sweaters, shirts, etc. are not working clothes - things should be used on your days off and only work when the office move and everyone is here primarily the duty of contaminated packaging. It is the adult world now.

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