Saturday, January 23, 2010

Trike Manufacturers Where To Buy Ultralight Trike Kit?

Where to buy ultralight trike kit? - trike manufacturers

I try to want to build my own ultralight trike to buy a kit with the necessary equipment. Where can I get one of them? It can provide the various websites that sell this product, so you can compare the prices? In general, for them at the manufacturer? I'm looking for pictures, details and prices.

Please do not try to say "Google Search" or "eBay. I have tried these things without success.


__A_YAHO... said...

Jim Heffelfinger said...

In this economy, there are dozens of three-wheeled all ready for less than $ 6,000 for a single seat to go. Make sure that an ultra-light serious if you are united in the Pilot Sport.
Send into a big list to arrive.
A kit trike - a time to keep, to the manufacturing and design support. Semi-Tricycles are a meticulous collection of pipes, motors, and a grand piano. Very simple. If you follow a proven design.
Google search results: ... ... ...

Sorry this time Google took 5 minutes - you can do if you try.

Doggzill... said...

Ultralight News has made a list of most ultralights ever had, including a guide for buyers of the first and second places.

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