Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dry Eye More Condition_symptoms Hi, Does Anyone Suffer With Dry Eyes, Mine Tends To Be In One Eye More Than The Other And Sometimes It Really?

Hi, does anyone suffer with dry eyes, mine tends to be in one eye more than the other and sometimes it really? - dry eye more condition_symptoms

Pain, has anyone else has this problem and do something about it, please serious answers ..... Thank you.


Suzita said...

It is important to check with your doctor, because there is the possibility of infection. Regualr with visual inspections are also important.

If after you around this problem persists, do not worry. For many people it is normal with age (this is probably not a useful thing to say), but only one of those things

In pharmacies, including boots, with products for dry eye, which may help.

Most importantly - do not panic. You will notice that they are moving slowly, the eyes (with eyes closed and very carefully) that are naturally lubricated. But do not stop to help the project, only a little when it happens.

I hope this is helpful.

tabitha said...

Yes, I suffer with him, your doctor will prescribe artificial tears in May, holds the eye more comfortable, you may be blocked tear ducts

Fl. Guy said...

Contect lens drops can be used.
even if you wear contact lenses should be operational

Cudz said...

Hello, you need to go to your doctor or optician first, but non-prescription eye drops that you can receive mainly for this reason. Be careful with what you put in, on or around the eyes.
Good luck.

Ruth said...

I suffer from this and asked me to optical hypermellose (SP) decreases. They are specifically designed for dry eyes.

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