Friday, February 5, 2010

Sanuk In Malaysia What Do Girls Think Of Sanuk Shoes?

What do girls think of sanuk shoes? - sanuk in malaysia

I have brown fur on the inside. It's almost like moccaisns. I personally think they are Aweso. What do people think lady?


hockeypi... said...

If you are a pair of pants and looks very sheek, sexy and sophisticated (and) GO!

Alessandra Santiago said...

Oh my God, I love shoes SANUK! Perhaps it is because I'm biased cuz I live in California, which are in vogue, but I love Sanuk. I have a couple of mine and they are a little more comfortable.

Convolut... said...

Hideous, but comfortable look. I do not buy, but I do not think much at all used to go to the store or the movies and someone else.

yohowru2... said...

Not a big fan.

megs<3 said...

....... hmmmm

Dee said...

I think they are cool, relaxing at home or going quickly in the business, but wen u get out defitnetly

soccer chik said...

I think they are soooo ugly

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