Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Does An E Blade Do How Does This Idea For A Story/movie/w.e Sound?

How does this idea for a story/movie/w.e sound? - what does an e blade do

It all starts when you want horse riding and shooting with rifles and a leaf of a single species (I do not for a specific period at the moment) to be found, there are those willing to hunt werewolves, and Alexander (option name / main character) is as your hunter key. He is in love and married his girlfriend, when a group of werewolves attack in the village and take it away. He continued, however late, and the fight against the werewolf who killed them. How do you kill a werewolf with a silver knife, itchy and becomes a werewolf himself. Disgusted, he turns from the world. Restart the people for a few years to feed them, but eventually feed on animals. That brings us to today, where a woman remembers a lookhis former love interest and remains in a vampire bar, but it's too late, and gradually a vampire, he brings her back to her place to control their thirst. They are a couple. I know it was not only well together, but it's still an idea. I would also add that he was a werewolf that change into werewolf form when he wants to, and is able to control what you do when you turn. I would also like the vampire, when the sun, like a man. Such was the day he was normal, and the night was to be immortal. (It's better than sparkling.) Also, I can withstand the werewolf money in the position to some extent want. Because they are not invincible, but not "Oh, I have a silver bullet in the" * dies *


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